So, it has been a while..
I wait for inspiration and sometimes it finds me -- other times not so much. Lately, I find myself wondering why don't I just share what is on my heart, it doesn't have to be well thought out because what really is. When I did gymnastics I was the queen of improvisation and it drove my coach crazy and she had every right to be upset when I was performing at a competition and I would forget my routine... one year it happened three times in a row. But at one competition there was a small improvisation competition where we would listen to the song for about 20 seconds and then we had to come up with a routine for it -- and I won! I'm good, maybe even great at it but I am also a perfectionist so I treat my blogs as such.
Lately I have been really digging through some deep stuff. You could say I have had a few dark days. I keep asking the question "God where do you want me?", I have plans and goals but nothing is coming of it because I need that next step -- the job. I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and I am a legal secretary -- don't get me wrong I love my job but this is not what I wanted to do in my life. Do you see what I keep using -- "I".
This isn't about me, this is about Him. How can I best serve Him? It's probably where I am right now.
On Sunday I was thinking about this again and what came to mind is the iconic verse that anyone would tell me in this situation, Jeremiah 29:11 "For I [God] know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future", meanwhile I'm like "God what plans, what future, what do you want me to do? I'm not moving forward" *pause* *breathe* Maybe I'm not moving forward because I'm not suppose to -- yet.
You see this verse is in the book of Jeremiah [Duh], Jeremiah was a Prophet of the Lord in a very dark time where being a Prophet for God was not a good job [in the peoples eyes]. He [Jeremiah] went through so much. But throughout everything GOD was there protecting him and giving him strength to persevere through all the transgressions. So I asked myself -- Why can't I do this? Why can't I mirror the same strength of Jeremiah?
I can. It takes trusting in the Lord to get me through it, the same way Jeremiah did. And Jeremiah won, just like I can win too!
So I challenge you, because I am challenging myself to be like Jeremiah, to persevere through everything the world throws your way and the baggage Satan puts in front of you because God is bigger than everything and maybe where you are right now, is right where God wants you to be!
Chelsea OUT!
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