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Bullying: Make It Zero Tolerance

A good friend of mine posted on Facebook today about bullying. Bullying is a huge controversial issue in High Schools these days. I say controversial carefully because some schools do a pretty good job preventing it but others stress to the public that they have a "Zero Tolerance Policy" but when bullying is brought to their attention they say they can't do anything or they'll write the student up but the student will get nothing as far as punishment. Maybe punishment is a bit drastic but the least they can do is talk to the person who is the bully. Bullying has been around since the dark ages but it was called something completely different (not quite sure exactly what they called it) and it has moved forward in history. Everyone at one point in their life will or have been bullied in some shape or form. In some cases bullying can lead to dropping out of school or even suicide. Here are three ways I believe if we work together and apply them to our lives we can stop and prevent bullying. 

First, act immediately. Whether you are bullied,a bystander or adult; if you see someone being bullied act on it. Younger children are willingly telling their parents what goes on in school so parent's know if their child is being bullied however teenagers will not. They want to be independent and take matters into their own hands, they're not going to seek out help even though they should. If you're a teacher or you work in the school system and a student comes up to you and tells you that he/she is being bullied or someone they know is being bullied, take their word for it and do everything in your power to help them out. Some teachers believe that their only job is to teach but we all know teachers have a much bigger job than educating students. Act immediately because the consequences might be fatal. 

Secondly, fire versus fire gets you nowhere. Basically, don't fight back, I'm someone who has a "Keep the peace" mentality but in the end it will help you. Someone early commented stating the only way to stop bullying is to fight back. False. You're rising to the bully's level and you don't want to be there. The easiest thing for you to do is to walk away and ignore whatever the bully is throwing at you. If they are throwing punches, defend yourself don't sit there and take it but also don't throw a punch in return. Doing that can cause you to get in trouble. 

Finally, stop the chain reaction. Bullying is a chain reaction. Everyone who has seen Back To The Future and Billy Madison has seen this in the families that Biff and Doyle come from (For those of you who haven't they are the bullies in those movies). They are bullies because people have bullied them. We've all been there, someone was picking on us at school then we find ourselves picking on our siblings or even our friends. We need to stop! Recognize that what your doing is wrong and take the high road. 

If you're being bullied please talk to someone who is higher up, I don't mean talk to Jesus by saying that but hey to each his own. Thanks for taking your time to read this, you guys are awesome and I love you! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below or email me:


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