I have come to realize that when you make time for Jesus, your every day life is happier and less stressful. I remember on my morning and afternoon drive to and from work I could physically feel the weight of what seemed the world on my shoulders. The stress that inhabited my life felt like it was at a breach.
My Church has Bible studies that are called Community Groups and what we are doing is going through books. I was attending one on Saturdays when I could but a few weeks ago I received a call that another Community Group I had signed up for was about to start and this one was going through the book of Jeremiah. I signed up for this class based on the simple fact that I had never read Jeremiah. I had read verses when they came up in sermons or devotionals but I had never studied the book. So I signed up, completely unaware of what I was signing myself up for. The moment I received this phone call I began dreading this class only because now I don't have a choice of what service to attend because I have to attend the 9:00am in order to go to a service with my husband and in order to make this group. However God pushed me to continue.
On Sunday I woke up, got myself and my son ready and then we were off to Church. The service came and went and then it was time for my Community Group. As we were discussing the book we would be going through the facilitator mentions that there is a lot of homework -- and quietly I think to myself "Oh great, you mean I actually have to read everyday". I know, I know I am an idiot.
Even though I was dreading it, I woke up Monday morning and opened up to the first day, then Tuesday came around and I opened up the book and read day two and so on and so forth. I did it every day. No complaining. Then I noticed something. Each morning I opened up that book I no longer felt that weight on my shoulders, there was no stress or no drama. Because the time of Jeremiah is quite similar to this modern day age, God wants us to know Him and go to Him but yet people turn their backs on Him. This study has made me go to God, every day with my troubles, worries and drama. I feel relieved. I feel set free. 

When they say "go to Jesus" they mean it. It works! You know those tasty videos that appear on Facebook every day? Well I've got a great recipe for your life, Jesus.
When you get a flat tire, go to Jesus.
When you are worried, go to Jesus.
When you're thrilled, go to Jesus.
Jesus wants us to go to him for every emotion and for every thing that happens in our life. He is our Father after all.
Through this study I have realized that in order for me to feel alive again and not to be burdened any more I need to go to Jesus with every little detail in my life. This was something I wasn't doing before this study but I am certainly doing it now.
If you have questions about Christianity or Jesus please email me, I'd love to hear from you.
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