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Fulfilling God's Plans

So, over a year ago I wrote a post about fulfilling God's plan and I told you guys that I didn't have the answers but that I cling to scripture and prayer. Although this is true, one thing I know that helps is making the decision and seeing that God pulls you through it. My younger sister called me the other day and she was trying to figure out her next step in her life, you see she is in the Air Force and she had the opportunity to go somewhere else and reached out to my husband and I to figure out if the decision she is making is fulfilling God's plan for her life. Immediately I thought of this post which I wrote after making a huge life decision over a year ago: marriage. 

I don't have any sources to back up what I'm going to tell you, but I have experience which I firmly believe is enough. When a decision comes your way the first thing to do is pray about. Prayer is where you can talk to your Father and tell him about opportunity that has come about in your life. The next thing to do is to decide. Once you decide to go right or left on the road called life that is when God will give you His answer. When I got engaged, we had both decided to get married May 2014, but then sitting in church one night we said "we should get married now". We didn't know where we were going to live, or if we could even find a place to live. I didn't have a job but I knew that in making this decision God would have our back. Well, guess what, He did. We told ourselves that if we were making this decision that the second we hit a road block we would stop and get married in May 2014 instead of August 2013. We sent out invitations immediately, booked the church and reception. Although out of town family couldn't make it, our busiest friends didn't have anything schedule for that Saturday. Everything came together, and that is when I found security in making life decisions, if you are meant to do something then God will against all odds make sure it happens. 

The trek that we go through in life is a long one, and making decisions especially life decisions can be tedious but the big man has our back and He knows what is good for us because He loves us so much; I mean who sends their own son to die for a bunch of people who (if you've read the old testament) don't deserve it. Now I know the bible says, 
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD" - Isaiah 55:8
But keep in mind that God will tell you or show you when you make the decision, you just need to see it and be willing to humbly say "Okay", I mean it is so hard to be told what to do but when it is being told what to do by someone as powerful and mighty as God then it should make the decision a little easier. Jeremiah 29:11 is so right on when it says, "For I know the plans I have for you", because God, the LORD, Our Father, He knows everything. So stop being dumb, or scared because this "marriage" experience I just told you about wasn't the only experience in my repertoire; it is just one of many.

Stay Classy Readers!

"But the LORD's plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken" - Psalm 33:11


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