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Forgiveness: The Hardest Thing for Someone to Do

It has been a while since I've posted something, to be honest it's not that my life stopped it's that despite my best efforts to come up with ideas for this blog, I caught the "laziness cold" that so eagerly comes around from time to time. Hopefully this will change as I have been selected to help one of my favorite authors launch her new book, How Can I Possibly Forgive: Rescuing Your Heart From Resentment and Regret by Sara Horn. 

For those who have read my testimony which I posted a few years ago, you know that forgiveness has played an active role in my Christian life. From the second I placed my foot in the church, forgiveness was something that held me back from accepting Jesus into my heart. Why should I forgive the person who hurt me? I would tell myself that if I forgive him, that's as easy as telling him that it was okay what he did to me. It's not okay. I looked at it as minor hurt or major hurt and his transgression was under the major hurt, the one that did not deserve my forgiveness. How selfish was that? You see, Jesus was crucified, if you don't what crucified means it means to put someone to death by binding or nailing them to a cross, sounds awful doesn't it. Well Jesus was the most forgiving person, just before he died he looked up into the heavens and said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", this man who did nothing wrong was able to forgive the people who were putting him to death; this outweighs what happened to me. 

Long story short, I finally realized that the one thing holding me back from living a life with Christ was forgiving those who have transgressed against me. So I prayed and I'm not going to sit here and say that I have completely forgiven this person who has hurt me, but I'm working on it. Please look for more on this subject of forgiveness from me as I flip through the pages of Sara Horn's new book, How Can I Possibly Forgive. Also check out her blog, for excerpts from her new book as well as information about purchasing her new book which releases October 1st!


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