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Tired of "Being Christ-Like"

I think we all have those days when we wake up ready take on the day, exuberant in a sense and then the first person we're nice to scoffs at you and in that second your mood goes from a whopping 10 to a mediocre 4. Everyone who knows me knows that I am exuberant but lately I have been feeling the opposite of that. I am blessed beyond compare, I have a family who loves and cares for me and a wonderful life here with my husband at school but there was something there that was beating me down. Yes, I think you know who I'm talking about, Satan. 

I hate being held to a higher standard than everyone else. I was the second born in my family so I was consistently being compared to my older brother then to top it all off my younger brother could be called a genius by most. I learned to deal, I rebelled a lot and made a name for myself in high school that I wasn't proud of. Now that I have made a gigantic step forward from my high school days, I'm again being held to a higher standard. As Christian's we're all held to Christ's standard, but we all fall. Jesus was perfect in every way possible even His anger was known as righteous anger. On Sunday, I told my Husband how I am growing tired of "being Christ-like" so this week I have been putting the pieces together of why I'm tired and how I can flip the perspective. That was pretty easy, I made the choice to go to Church, I made the commitment to follow Jesus and I took on the title Christian. Notice all the "I's" in that sentence? It was my decision to do all of those things. It wasn't Jane's, the woman who was rude to me at the grocery store, decision to follow Christ and be like him in every way. You may run into people who call themselves Christians but don't act it and in my book they're not Christian's. To be a CHRISTian is to be like Christ or make some effort to be like Christ. There are going to be people calling you out for how you react to things or people who want to push your buttons but it's those people who need us. We're held to the higher standard because we know better and it's people like my imaginary friend Jane who we have to be praying for. 
So the next time you're tired of being "Christ Like" think about the commitment you made whether it was yesterday or 25 years ago, the choice to trust in Jesus, follow Him and make disciples of all nations... or Price Rite. Chow for now, Bloggers!
Chelsea Carman 


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