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Dissatisfaction around Christmas time?

Who finds themselves getting a little selfish or dissatisfied around Christmas? Or after you open your presents and find you didn't get exactly what you wanted and you're upset? I definitely found that happening to me but especially this year. As most of you know I got married in August so this was our first Christmas and earlier in the month I suggested to my husband that since we don't have a whole lot of money that we should just fill each other's stockings with candy and one gift of ten-ish dollars, he thought it was a good idea and we went ahead with the idea. I bought for both of us a huge bag of a variety of chocolates, some dove chocolate for him and a new travel mug. Looking at it I kept thinking, "this isn't enough" and "he's not going to like it". My Christmas' growing up were super nice, and I got many presents from my parents nothing too expensive but I opened up a lot of gifts and before me was one mere item for the man I love. After I got his present, he bought mine. And this is where my selfishness began to show up because I kept thinking, "maybe he decided to get me something really nice" or "instead of spending ten dollars he spent more". I wasn't feeling this way with just my husband I was thinking this with others almost like "give me gifts". However I stopped my self and thought about my last post "The reason for the season" isn't about gifts, it's about Jesus. Jesus didn't have an ounce of selfishness in his body. He carried that cross to Calvary, and took the wrath of God so that we can have eternity with him in heaven. And this day, Christmas is to celebrate our savior's birth, the day he came to fulfill the prophesy set long ago. We don't have to be selfish when we have someone who loves us so. Remember this for next Christmas! Thanks for reading!! 
Chelsea Brianne
For questions regarding anything in my posts or if you have questions regarding Christianity please email me at


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