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The Reason For The Season, CHRISTmas

Some of you may be thinking that this post will be me, Chelsea, proclaiming that the reason for the season is Jesus Christ, false. That is only a small portion of what I will be discussing, although it is true there is so much more to that statement than sharing a photo on Facebook. 

Who gets irritated when you see one of your "friends" share a photo that is emphasizing Jesus Christ but you know that this person is so far from Christianity it isn't even funny? I know I think that way far too much, and that is so incredibly wrong of me. That is judgement and especially around this time of year we judge others too much. I have added this to my list of imperfections which I need to work on everyday until I reach heaven and I encourage all of you to make a list right now of imperfections that you need to work on. So, moving on from that tangent, "The Reason for the Season" usually means that instead of getting worked up and stressed out over Christmas gifts and parties you should focus on the whole reason we celebrate it, Jesus Christ. Now, does everyone know what the manger scene is? That may seem like a silly question but who here can remember the last time they walked passed this infamous scene and really stopped to take in the symbolism of it? I was asked this question by one of my husband's classmates during a chapel service and while he said it he pointed towards the windows and I couldn't figure out why, until I was walking towards the Cafe on campus and noticed the whole manger scene with scripture of the life of Christ; His birth, His trial, His Death and His resurrection. I was personally upset with myself because I was someone who overlooked this important scene because I had seen it so many times, it's "boring" and "old", I cannot believe how wrong I was. We have a Savior people! Someone who was born on this earth, lived a life without sin, who would literally perform miracles for us left and right, and most importantly someone who died so that we, sinners, can go to heaven, and I can't take time out of my day to appreciate this important scene. 
The Baptist Church of Northville presenting Jesus' Birth

This season is more than sharing a picture on Facebook and it's more than presents it is about Christ. Will I be emphasizing Christ this CHRISTmas, I sure will, but will you? I don't mean by sharing this post (That would be nice though) but I mean taking these words and the scripture in the bible and putting it into action in your life. When the unsaved recognize that, that's how by God's grace they will be led to accepting Christ into their hearts. And the next time you see a manger somewhere in your future, stop and embrace the symbolism and also take time this season and read the Christmas Story, Luke 2:1-20. Finally, the perfect time to accept Jesus into your hearts is when you are mentally ready. I can and will help you along the way so seek out help or answers to those questions that you have but your scared to ask. Above all God is ready, He loves you and wants you to spend eternity with him so take some time in prayer and talk to our Father. I hope everyone has a fantastic Christ centered Christmas! 
"Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2: 9-11



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