How many of you ask yourselves, why was I worth the pain that Christ endured on the cross? I ask myself the same question all the time and it's usually Communion Sunday because we're are breaking "bread" and drinking juice that is suppose to resemble Jesus' body being broken and his blood shed for us. My heart aches each time I take communion because I'm aware of all the sin I have committed in my life and Jesus had no sin the entire time he walked on this earth but yet took the punishment that we all should have endured. But let me tell you something, whenever I have the recurring thoughts of my past, God tells me that it is Satan bringing me back, because it is. The Devil is going to remind you of all your past sin just so that you can look into a mirror and say "I'm not worth it" but imagine Jesus up on the cross, nails pierced into His body telling you that you are worth it! The other day I was kicking the soccer ball around listening to music and the song "Someone Worth Dying For" came on. Now, I have all of the 'WOW!' CD's so I have a plethora of christian music on my phone, and while consistently having the Devil get into my head which he does so much, this song came on and instantly I imagine what I just described to you. While the song is playing, in my mind I see Jesus up on the cross. This man who was so perfect in every way, telling me that I'm worth it. If you're saved you know what I am talking about and I hope and pray that you can hold on to this assurance if you don't already. For those who are reading this and aren't saved or a Christian for that matter, don't overlook this. Jesus died for you, He took the punishment because He knew that you were going to be worth it. If you're really going to spend time asking yourself that question then I pose this one, what was the point of Christ dying on the cross if you're not going to accept that He did that for you?. You may be someone who doesn't want to let go of the parties, who doesn't want to be tied down to the guidelines and regulations of the Christian lifestyle but I'm telling you, living the Christian life is still fun, and there will be a huge party when Jesus comes again, we'll be partying all the way up to heaven. But, right now we are repenting, and asking God to make us new again; we're trying to live a new life that is all about praising Him and attempting to see the light in such a darkened world. You just have to make the step into accepting Him into your heart, then when the Devil starts to attack you, to shout "I'm worth it! I was someone worth dying for!". Thanks Guys and Check out this video by Mikeschair:
Chelsea Brianne
Chelsea Brianne
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