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"For I Know the Plans I Have For You Declares The Lord", But You Need To Figure Them Out

Hello Guys! I hope everyone is having an amazing/safe Friday night! Tonight I was doing the dishes and listening to music and Chase Coy's "Coming Clean" song came on. The song is written as a love song but I took it in a different sense and meshed it with something that has been on my mind lately. I want you all to understand that even though in my posts I am giving answers, I am in no way trying to show that I am perfect. I want to come clean with you all about myself. I'm not perfect, God is perfect. All my posts that contain answers, are all areas that I've struggled through and God has shown me the answers.

How awesome is it that we have a God who has already written out our entire lives? He knew that my husband and I would wed this year rather than next. He knows what will happen to me tomorrow and the day after that. Isn't that awesome? Some of you may be agreeing with me because it really is awesome but it is also extremely annoying, am I right? When we hit a crossroad in our lives and we don't want to steer away from his plan for us, don't you just wish he would give you a hint or tell you what to do? In the end which ever way you choose will ultimately lead you to where He wants you to be; look at it as you're standing in front of two doors (two options), you choose one but you can't get any further and have to turn back.  Now, Chase Coy sings in his song Coming Clean, "I'm just trying to live up to all that you want me to be". Isn't this what we say when we hit that crossroad or come up to the two or more doors metaphorically in our lives? We continue in our lives following paths, opening doors and turning back relentlessly just trying to live up to what God wants of us. I find myself throwing my hands in the air at times when I am clueless as to what my next step should be, and fighting God while trying to figure it out. This isn't a post with a simple solution and boom the problem is solved and it will never happen again, this post is to reach out and tell you that I struggle so much with this and the only thing that gets me through it is clinging to scripture. Dive deep into God's word or get down and pray because that is where you'll find the answer to what your next move should be in God's ultimate plan for your life. I hope you all enjoyed this message and feel free to comment or e-mail me at my new email: 
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11 ESV


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