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Broken-hearts Healed

Everyone on this earth have had their hearts broken at one point or another. Maybe you're a girl in high school who didn't make the cut when it came down to him choosing you or some other girl. Maybe your best friend went behind your back or used you to further your his own career. Every single person has had their heart broken and trust has been lost. The norm is to turn towards something when you've been defeated; maybe you turn to music, art, or even something as drastic as alcohol. It is something that takes up all your time so that you can find comfort that your heart needs. Maybe it will work for a short period of time but it's just like placing a band-aid over your heart. I was there, my cousin (Justin, who raped me) severed my trust in humanity, boys broke my heart, I found comfort in meaningless sex then eventually evil crept inside me when I got an abortion. But I am living, breathing proof that even though the world has pushed you around and teared you apart, you can find solace, restoration, trust and love in God. Like I said, I felt security the day I was saved, and I felt that same security when I married the man God made me for.Today, I sat in chapel and looked over at my husband. It was a spur of the moment wedding. When I announced that we were getting married I said in my status on Facebook, 

"The summer of 2013 will never be forgotten, it was this summer that the love of my life got down on one knee and asked me to marry him and it will be August 10th of this year when I walk down the aisle towards a man who knows all my faults and failures but loves me anyway". 
On that day when I woke up I was relaxed, but as the clock continued to tick towards 11 o'clock the nervousness crept in. However, my final statement in my status held true because once I saw him waiting for me at the end of the aisle I was no longer nervous, I felt security in my husband . When I was saved I gave God my heart, he fixed it so that my future husband wouldn't be given a damaged one. Give your broken hearts to God, he will mend them and keep them for safe keeping while you dive into his word until you're ready to give your heart away again; he'll protect it for you. Psalm 147:3 says, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds". 


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