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Showing posts from September, 2013

"For I Know the Plans I Have For You Declares The Lord", But You Need To Figure Them Out

Hello Guys! I hope everyone is having an amazing/safe Friday night! Tonight I was doing the dishes and listening to music and Chase Coy's "Coming Clean" song came on. The song is written as a love song but I took it in a different sense and meshed it with something that has been on my mind lately. I want you all to understand that even though in my posts I am giving answers, I am in no way trying to show that I am perfect. I want to come clean with you all about myself. I'm not perfect, God is perfect. All my posts that contain answers, are all areas that I've struggled through and God has shown me the answers. How awesome is it that we have a God who has already written out our entire lives? He knew that my husband and I would wed this year rather than next. He knows what will happen to me tomorrow and the day after that. Isn't that awesome? Some of you may be agreeing with me because it really is awesome but it is also extremely annoying, am I right? When

Broken-hearts Healed

Everyone on this earth have had their hearts broken at one point or another. Maybe you're a girl in high school who didn't make the cut when it came down to him choosing you or some other girl. Maybe your best friend went behind your back or used you to further your his own career. Every single person has had their heart broken and trust has been lost. The norm is to turn towards something when you've been defeated; maybe you turn to music, art, or even something as drastic as alcohol. It is something that takes up all your time so that you can find comfort that your heart needs. Maybe it will work for a short period of time but it's just like placing a band-aid over your heart. I was there, my cousin (Justin, who raped me) severed my trust in humanity, boys broke my heart, I found comfort in meaningless sex then eventually evil crept inside me when I got an abortion. But I am living, breathing proof that even though the world has pushed you around and teared you apar

"Someone Worth Dying For"

How many of you ask yourselves, why was I worth the pain that Christ endured on the cross? I ask myself the same question all the time and it's usually Communion Sunday because we're are breaking "bread" and drinking juice that is suppose to resemble Jesus' body being broken and his blood shed for us. My heart aches each time I take communion because I'm aware of all the sin I have committed in my life and Jesus had no sin the entire time he walked on this earth but yet took the punishment that we all should have endured. But let me tell you something, whenever I have the recurring thoughts of my past, God tells me that it is Satan bringing me back, because it is. The Devil is going to remind you of all your past sin just so that you can look into a mirror and say "I'm not worth it" but imagine Jesus up on the cross, nails pierced into His body telling you that you are worth it! The other day I was kicking the soccer ball around listening to musi