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The Princess

Once upon a time there was a Princess who grew up outside of the kingdom which her Father ruled over. This was the way all Princes and Princesses grew up. Her Father set aside rules that she was suppose to follow so that one day she could join Him in his Kingdom. Princesses in her Father's kingdom need to be well-behaved and loving and this Princess had a lot to learn. Throughout her childhood her Father watched over as she was led astray from the rules he had set for her. It wasn't that she was a bad Princess, the parents the King appointed for her didn't know the rules existed.

As the Princess grew into her teenage years, she grew out of her shell and began to try new things and deal with grievances which a child shouldn't have to deal with. Her Father continued to watch over her throughout  the abuse, the parties, and the impurity. However when his daughter was sixteen she got herself into a situation which to her was an easy fix, but she didn't know how serious the re-precautions were.

Finally, the Princess grew up to be an adult however she still didn't know who she truly was. Her Father sent down a knight to lead her into the right direction, to tell her who she is and where she belongs. Although the task the Knight had seemed difficult at first, the Princess eventually became friends with this Knight. The Knight could tell that she was hurting from the mistake she had made, and she needed her Father but she had to go to Him and when the timing was right she would but the Knight still had to protect her. One day the Princess told the Knight what happened on that day a few years ago, that she had found out she was pregnant and terminated the pregnancy and how she wished that she could go back to that day. At that moment, the Knight knew that the timing was right and she was ready to know the truth. Therefore the Knight told her the truth about where she came from and how her Father is waiting for His daughter to finally follow His rules so that they can be reunited in the Kingdom. The Princess asked how her Father could ever forgive her for all the wrong she had done in her life, and the Knight replied that her Father was very forgiving and all she had to do was simply as for forgiveness, and begin to follow the set of rules He wrote for His daughter to follow because she had so much to learn about being a Princess. From that day and forevermore this Princess devoted her life to living for her Father's rules and commandments so that they can be reunited again!


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