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A new year, a new me! (:

A snap shot of a sunset at Potsdam.
Hey Everyone! I completely forgot that I started a blog last year and now finally remembered! So what's up with me? Well, I just started another year at college but this year is a little different, I am at SUNY Potsdam. Potsdam is about an hour away from the Canadian border so I am currently in the Tundra of New York. But this is good, SUNY Potsdam is known for it's teaching program and since I want to be a teacher it would only make sense to come here. I'm having a little trouble adjusting, mostly because I miss my cats. I don't know if I told you all this but I have two cats, Ashlee and Cookie-Gandhi. Ashlee isn't normal and frankly I am a little worried leaving her with my family because they can be so mean to her. Cookie however should be okay on his own, and if you all are wondering about his name it was originally Cookie, but all of the other cats at my house would pick fights with him and he wouldn't stoop to their level because he was so passive I added Gandhi to his name. 
I am going to start blogging the book I have been writing for a year now. I started before my high school graduation, then started over again this spring because I didn't like the way it was going. Now it seems to be going well and I would like to receive some feedback. I am nervous but excited to see how everyone likes it. My favorite writer is Nicholas Sparks and no I didn't like him just because of The Notebook, actually I haven't read The Notebook yet, the first book I read of his was The Last Song. I read the story line and bought it. Since then, I have loved his style of writing so my story might be like his, although I am going to use some of my own technique. I'll give you a run down on what the story is about: 
Reagan Daniels grew up with her Mother in California. She is your typical teenager but surfing and gymnastics is her life, after becoming the National Gymnastics Champion her Mother suddenly past away. To make matters worse she has to leave her life in Sherman Oaks and move to Sumter, South Carolina with her Dad whom she hasn't seen since he left her when she was a little girl. She is a 17 year old girl, living and breathing in a whole new world. Dealing with the loss of her Mother, takes a toll on her until she meets Logan, a school jock who really isn't any more different than Reagan. 


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