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Showing posts from January, 2014

Are You Furthering God's Kingdom or Furthering Your Rep?

Who loves getting recognized for things they do? I really enjoy it but I witness others thriving off of it, is that wrong? I don't necessarily think it's wrong to enjoy recognition but what is wrong is when you are only doing things so that you can get a compliment. The bible is constantly urging us as believers to "do for others" but where do you draw the line, when are you going too far? This is where I believe we are our own worst enemy. We want to be good Christians and help out where help is needed but when we obtain multiple compliments then those compliments go to our head and then we find ourselves doing things only for recognition and not to further God's kingdom.  As I stated above, I love being complimented and it surely does help when I'm doing something that I don't enjoy doing, you know it keeps us motivated. I started this "business" if you would call it that but it's basically a cleaning business something to make ends meet

Last Year versus the New Year

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone brought in the new year safely and are really ready to start off 2014, well what's a better way than starting off 2014 with a nice post from myself? Exactly what I thought, lets! Who made a resolution last night? Most of us do, examples, "this year I'm going to start working out" or "I'm going to eat healthier" well did anyone say "I'm going to get closer to God" or "I'm going to start going to church" or how about "Forgive me for my sins, Jesus come into my heart"? If so, great! Welcome aboard the Jesus train but for those who are half way on board what are you waiting for? It was 2011 when I set my New Years resolution to start going back to church, BEST DECISION EVER, for me, but my point is sometimes that's all it takes.  There are people who view New Years resolutions as lame or pointless but they're only those things when people say them but never act on them

Dissatisfaction around Christmas time?

Who finds themselves getting a little selfish or dissatisfied around Christmas? Or after you open your presents and find you didn't get exactly what you wanted and you're upset? I definitely found that happening to me but especially this year. As most of you know I got married in August so this was our first Christmas and earlier in the month I suggested to my husband that since we don't have a whole lot of money that we should just fill each other's stockings with candy and one gift of ten-ish dollars, he thought it was a good idea and we went ahead with the idea. I bought for both of us a huge bag of a variety of chocolates, some dove chocolate for him and a new travel mug. Looking at it I kept thinking, "this isn't enough" and "he's not going to like it". My Christmas' growing up were super nice, and I got many presents from my parents nothing too expensive but I opened up a lot of gifts and before me was one mere item for the man I lo