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Showing posts from December, 2013

The Reason For The Season, CHRISTmas

Some of you may be thinking that this post will be me, Chelsea, proclaiming that the reason for the season is Jesus Christ, false. That is only a small portion of what I will be discussing, although it is true there is so much more to that statement than sharing a photo on Facebook.  Who gets irritated when you see one of your "friends" share a photo that is emphasizing Jesus Christ but you know that this person is so far from Christianity it isn't even funny? I know I think that way far too much, and that is so incredibly wrong of me. That is judgement and especially around this time of year we judge others too much. I have added this to my list of imperfections which I need to work on everyday until I reach heaven and I encourage all of you to make a list right now of imperfections that you need to work on. So, moving on from that tangent, "The Reason for the Season" usually means that instead of getting worked up and stressed out over Christmas gifts and pa

Bullying: Make It Zero Tolerance

A good friend of mine posted on Facebook today about bullying. Bullying is a huge controversial issue in High Schools these days. I say controversial carefully because some schools do a pretty good job preventing it but others stress to the public that they have a "Zero Tolerance Policy" but when bullying is brought to their attention they say they can't do anything or they'll write the student up but the student will get nothing as far as punishment. Maybe punishment is a bit drastic but the least they can do is talk to the person who is the bully. Bullying has been around since the dark ages but it was called something completely different (not quite sure exactly what they called it) and it has moved forward in history. Everyone at one point in their life will or have been bullied in some shape or form. In some cases bullying can lead to dropping out of school or even suicide. Here are three ways I believe if we work together and apply them to our lives we can stop