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Showing posts from October, 2016

Find Joy and Revel in It - A Lesson from Joseph & Lorelai

Have you ever had those people in your life that go out of their way to hurt you? They will say what they feel they need to say to jab at your heart? Have you ever thought in moments like that to just laugh it off, or to take joy in it? Now, no one would ever think to do that would they? I, like many other women [or men] enjoy the television show 'Gilmore Girls'. There is a scene where Lorelai's mother Emily is being tormented by her [Emily's] mother-in law, Lorelai Gilmore the First. Well, Lorelai [the second] told her Mother to do what she does, when Grandma Gilmore attempts to make a stab towards Emily to find a way to take some joy and laugh it off; while watching this moment I had to laugh and think about God. We have established that God loves us, every piece of us - the good the bad and the ugly. Everything that happens to us, God already knew would happen and has planned it to be as such. Well why does he let these people hurt us? Usually to teach us some

Using the Pause Button

So, it has been a while.. I wait for inspiration and sometimes it finds me -- other times not so much. Lately, I find myself wondering why don't I just share what is on my heart, it doesn't have to be well thought out because what really is. When I did gymnastics I was the queen of improvisation and it drove my coach crazy and she had every right to be upset when I was performing at a competition and I would forget my routine... one year it happened three times in a row. But at one competition there was a small improvisation competition where we would listen to the song for about 20 seconds and then we had to come up with a routine for it -- and I won! I'm good, maybe even great at it but I am also a perfectionist so I treat my blogs as such. Lately I have been really digging through some deep stuff. You could say I have had a few dark days. I keep asking the question "God where do you want me?", I have plans and goals but nothing is coming of it because I