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Showing posts from December, 2014

Fulfilling God's Plans

So, over a year ago I wrote a post about fulfilling God's plan and I told you guys that I didn't have the answers but that I cling to scripture and prayer. Although this is true, one thing I know that helps is making the decision and seeing that God pulls you through it. My younger sister called me the other day and she was trying to figure out her next step in her life, you see she is in the Air Force and she had the opportunity to go somewhere else and reached out to my husband and I to figure out if the decision she is making is fulfilling God's plan for her life. Immediately I thought of this post which I wrote after making a huge life decision over a year ago: marriage.  I don't have any sources to back up what I'm going to tell you, but I have experience which I firmly believe is enough. When a decision comes your way the first thing to do is pray about. Prayer is where you can talk to your Father and tell him about opportunity that has come about in your li