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Showing posts from February, 2011

My Walk With God

Hello All! Faith is a strong thing to have as you move on in your life. Some people use the saying "Have Faith" or "Have a little faith", this one word means so many different things. I didn't grow up going to Church, my parents never pushed religion on to me. However my babysitter would take me to church with her and her family every Sunday. Sadly I stopped going and after certain events in my life had lost all faith in God. My exact statement was "If God was looking out for me, then this bad thing would never had happened to me." So, I drifted away from God, and lived life for me. I was in my Junior year of High school when I truly hit rock bottom. Now everyone has different definitions for "rock-bottom", but for me I lost one of my closest long time friends. Sure, there was more than just my choices that kind of drifted us apart, but it was to the point where she couldn't bare being my friend. After she had stopped being my friend, I b